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Are you a young person who wants to work with your own creation?


This summer individuals and groups aged 18-25 (born 1999-2006) are invited to submit ideas for creative projects in Hafnarfjörður. Individuals and groups are given the opportunity to work on and carry out creative projects and introduce them to residents and visitors during the summer season. Creative summer jobs are intended as a platform for young artists from Hafnarfjörður to develop and train themselves to promote their art.

The application deadline is March 31st 2024

This summer individuals and groups aged 18-25 (born 1999-2006) are invited to submit ideas for creative projects in Hafnarfjörður. Individuals and groups are given the opportunity to work on and carry out creative projects and introduce them to residents and visitors during the summer season. Creative summer jobs, run as part of the Hafnarfjörður Working School in collaboration with the youth center Hamarinn, and is intended as a platform for young artists from Hafnarfjörður to develop and train themselves to promote their art. Creative summer jobs have been a huge hit in previous years and attendance will be high.

The realization, diversity and originality of projects are taken into account

Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25. When selecting projects, consideration will be given, inter alia, to the realism and originality of the project, budget, diversity of projects, sex ratio of applicants and quality of applications. The total number of hours is 208 hours and the project is expected to be carried out for 8 weeks during the period June – July.

An agreement on project arrangements will be concluded with those selected. Assistance with writing an application can be obtained from Margrét Gauja, project manager of Hamarinn youth center, every weekday from 9-16 via the e-mail address: and phone number 664-5551. Klara Ósk Elíasdóttir, Project Manager for the Creative Summer Jobs, has the e-mail address:

Further information and application form

Suggestion portal