Social resources

All residents of Hafnarfjörður should have financial and social security.

Social counselling

Apply for consult

Most of us need support at some point in our lives. The municipality’s social workers assist residents in dealing with various challenges.

What is social counselling?

Social workers assist people with their personal and social problems. Social workers help to find the right social remedies, among other things.

Examples of consultancy and support:

  • Financial assistance.
  • Finding accommodation.
  • Paying for accommodation.
  • Parenting.
  • Divorce.
  • Custody issues.

Applying for counselling

All residents in Hafnarfjörður 18 and older can apply for social counselling on My Pages. You can request an interpreter if needed.

Phone hours of counsellors

Those who already have a counsellor can call their counsellor through the Service Centre, tel. 585 5500, every weekday, except Tuesdays, from 08:30–9:00.

You can also call the Service Centre Mondays through Thursdays between 8:00 to 16:00 and Fridays between 08:00 and 14:00. The staff will provide you with information and you can ask to speak to the next free general counsellor.

Divorce counseling

In Hafnarfjörður, parents can receive specialised divorce counselling to promote better parental co-operation. The counselling puts the well-being of the child above all and is provided to prevent or minimise parental conflict during or after a divorce. The separation itself is not the most harmful, rather how it is executed in respect to the children.

Co-parenting after divorce (Samarbejde efter skilmisse – SES) was originally developed in Denmark. Research has shown significant difference in the wellbeing of those who are a part of the project and those who are not. The education material is meant for parents going through the challenging changes that are common following a divorce or separation.

The following is available for parents:

Electronic seminar. The seminar covers the effects of separation on parents, reactions of children and co-operation of parents.
• Specialised counselling provided by SES counsellors in Hafnarfjarðarbær. Applications for counselling are on My Pages.

Domestic violence services

The town employs a special team dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence. You can speak to a specialist on the team by calling the Service Centre at 585 5500.

If you are in an abusive relationship or suspect someone is suffering violence, you should contact 112 through phone or webchat.  On you can find various information on violence and what resources are available.