
Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir

Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir is the Mayor of Hafnarfjörður and head of the Independence Party. Rósa joined the town council of Hafnarfjörður in 2006 and was previously president of the town council.

Rósa completed a degree in political science from the University of Iceland and worked for years in journalism, mainly as a reporter at Stöð 2 and Bylgjan. Rósa has also been an enthusiastic writer and editor with BF Publishing.

From 2007-2009, Rósa was a deputy member of parliament for the Independence Party and spent several months on the Alþingi (Icelandic parliament.) Rósa has been active within the sports movement and is on the expert panel of the Icelandic Children’s Welfare Fund.

She was managing director of the Icelandic Childhood Cancer Parent Organisation from 2001 to 2006 and has been chairman of the board for the past 10 years.
Rósa was raised in North Hafnarfjörður and has completed a university entrance exam from Flensborgarskóli. She is married to Jónas Sigurgeirsson and they have four children. In an episode of the podcast Vitinn (in icelandic), Rósa describes growing up in Hafnarfjörður, her interest in old objects, buying her first apartment, her stay in the United States, her interest in publishing, printing, cooking, and all kinds of gardening. She talks about how her family has entered a difficult period due to the loss of a child, as well as her work in matters involving childhood cancer. Rósa also talks about her diverse career in the media, publishing and politics.

Timeline of mayors from 1946

Tímabil Nafn
2018– current Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir
2014–2018 Haraldur L. Haraldsson
2012–2014 Guðrún Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir
2010–2012 Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason
2002–2010 Lúðvík Geirsson
1998–2002 Magnús Gunnarsson
1995–1998 Ingvar Viktorsson
1986–1993 Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson
1979–1986 Einar Ingi Halldórsson
1966–1979 Kristinn Ó. Guðmundsson
1962–1966 Hafsteinn Baldvinsson
1954–1962 Stefán Gunnlaugsson
1949–1954 Helgi Hannesson
1948–1948 Guðmundur Gissurarson (two months)
1946–1948 Eiríkur Pálsson