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Camp site at Víðistaðatún now open for Grindvíkingar


Grindavík´s residents who have caravans and RVs and need a place to stay with easy access to toilets and kitchen facilities are now welcome to settle on the camp site free of charge.

The town of Hafnarfjörður, in collaboration with the Scout Association, Hraunbúar, worked hard over the weekend to get Hafnarfjörður´s camp site on Víðisstaðatún out of its winter hibernation and ready to welcome residents from Grindavík. The residents who have caravans and RVs and need a place to stay with easy access to toilets and kitchen facilities are now welcome to settle at the camp site free of charge.

Manual check in – not the parka app

From Monday the 13th of November, Grindvík´s inhabitants can contact Brynjar Örn Svavarsson, Operations Manager of the Scout Centre, Hraunbyrgi, at Hjallabraut 51, tel: 895 0906. As the camp site is normally closed from the 15th of September – the 15th of May, registrations will not be opened through the Parka app, but people will instead be manually allowed into the area. There are already nine parking spaces with electricity available, but demand will determine whether more parking spaces will be opened.

Residents from Grindavík will as well have free access to all of Hafnarfjörður´s swimming pools and the Hjartasvell ice rink in the heart of Hafnarfjörður.

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