In order to welcome you we have compiled information about your new hometown.
Get to know the town’s walking and cycling paths, activities and swimming pools but children under 18 get free access to pools.
Children and youth in Hafnarfjörður have access to good education, after-school activities and recreation activities.
Practical information about buses, waste collection, street cleaning, traffic, animal control and more.
Hafnarfjörður hopes to secure financial and social security for all residents. Find out what support is available.
Enjoy culture in Bæjarbíó cultural house, at various museums or attend exciting events.
You can stay at great hotels, hostels or at a family friendly campsite in town.
You can find a lot of outdoors activities and various recreations in Hafnarfjörður.
Check-out upcoming events, or register a new one.
Search for employees or available jobs in town.
Hafnarfjörður Town council consists of 11 municipal representatives. All town council meetings are broadcast live.
Here you can find the town's fees for children, sports and activities and support services.
Contact us with ideas, suggestions, problems or emergencies.
Automatic translation by Google Translate. We cannot guarantee that it is accurate.
56 companies, 11 municipalities and 22 public individuals are recognized by the Equality balance scale (Jafnvægisvogin), FKA’s power project. In 2019 Hafnarfjarðarbær was one of the municipalities that signed a Memorandum of understanding, to work towards the goals of the FKA’s equality balance scale, to encourage greater gender balance within their respective areas. Hafnarfjörður also received the recognition in 2022.
56 companies, 11 municipalities and 22 public bodies are recognized by the Balance scale, FKA’s power project. Hafnarfjörður is in this group, but the recognition goes to those who have achieved gender equality at the top levels, of at least 40/60. Hafnarfjarðarbær was one of the municipalities and companies that in 2019 signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work towards the goals of FKA’s Balance scale and to encourage greater gender balance within their respective areas. The town also received the recognition in 2022. In 2023, 31 new participants were added to the group of participants in FKA’s Balance scale.
The FKA website
The equality balance scale, the power project of the Federation of Women in Business (FKA), recently held a digital conference, We all lose on homogeneity – Equality is a decision. There, Eliza Reid introduced the recipients of the balance scale award, who have achieved gender equality on executive levels. This year, there was a record number of recognition award winners, 89. Excellent results among the participants in FKA’s equality balance scale. In addition to FKA, the Prime Minister’s Office, Creditinfo, Deloitte, PepperTBWA, the Icelandic National Broadcasting Corporation, the Icelandic Fisheries Association and Sjóvá, stand behind the recognition award.
At the 2020 conference of the Balance scale, a new “Jafnréttislundur” (equality grove) was introduced, which the Reykjavík Forestry Association provided. The grove is located at the main entrance to Heiðmörk, on the Vífilsstaðir side, and is the first thing people see when they enter Heiðmörk. Many species of trees were chosen as a symbol of the diversity that the Balance scale is promoting. This year, 89 trees will be planted, for each recipient of the award in 2023, and a total of 262 trees will have been planted in the Equality Grove in the last 4 years. It is the goal of the Balance scale to repeat this every year and it would be a pleasure to see the slope filled with trees in the coming years, with increased equality.
The balance scale maintains a dashboard designed to keep track of statistics on gender equality. That shows the situation as it is at any given time. The Balance scale’s dashboard contains all key information on the status of gender equality in the Icelandic workforce, such as the gender ratios of founders of companies, CEOs and board of directors. There you can also find information on gender ratios of university graduates, gender status within industries and the GemmaQ gender scale for listed companies. The dashboard, developed by Creditinfo, Deloitte and the Equality Balance Council, makes the information available in a simple and clear way. There has been a strong desire among companies, municipalities and public individuals, to work on gender equality issues when it comes to senior management in Iceland. There are now 239 participants in the Balance scale.
Registration is open for Hafnarfjörður´s after-school centers for the school year 2025-2026. The after-school centers are available for primary school…
25 years have passed since Hafnarfjörður´s Search and Rescue Team was founded, but the team was formed by the merger…
On “Út um allt” (e. All over the place) you can find over 30 outdoor areas and 40 hiking and…
Fifteen youth workers from Vienna spent a week here in Hafnarfjörður. They familiarized themselves with and shared their knowledge and…
Haukar’s brand new soccer hall was inaugurated on the 14th of February. The contractors of the build, ÍAV, formally handed…
Students in 10th grade at Víðistaðaskóli will perform the grand musical WEST SIDE STORY by Sondheim and Bernstein on February…
Tónagull and the municipality of Hafnarfjörður offer a multilingual music workshop for families with children aged 0-4 years. The first…
Enrolment of children entering 1st grade in Hafnarfjörður´s primary schools has been opened for autumn 2025, and the first application…
Situation as of 14:30, 05 February. Please note that the situation may change, and updates will be provided as necessary.…