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Hafnarfjörður tops municipalities in cultural affairs


According to a new Gallup survey, nine out of ten residents are satisfied with Hafnarfjörður as a place to live in, or 87%. The cultural affairs category rises most proportionally, or by 5 percent, with Hafnarfjörður topping the list compared to other municipalities. Hafnarfjörður is now ranked 2nd among the largest municipalities in the country, with high resident satisfaction and the overall experience of the municipal services.

2nd place in general satisfaction of residents with the services of the largest municipalities

According to a new Gallup survey, nine out of ten residents are satisfied with Hafnarfjörður as a place to live in, or 87%. Furthermore, 79% of residents are satisfied with facilities for sport activities, 76% with cultural matters and 75% with municipal services overall. The cultural affairs category rises most proportionally, or by 5 percent, with Hafnarfjörður topping the list compared to other municipalities. Hafnarfjörður is now ranked 2nd among the largest municipalities in the country, with high resident satisfaction and the overall experience of the municipal services. This town hasn’t scored this high before. The results of the Gallup survey were announced at the town council meeting yesterday morning.

It is very satisfying to see the service satisfaction in Hafnarfjörður steadily increasing and that we are now in second place among the large municipalities,” says Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, Mayor of Hafnarfjörður. “Also, our strong focus on our vibrant cultural events and artistic life in the town in recent years is paying off. Now cultural satisfaction is highest in Hafnarfjörður, indicating that nowhere are residents as happy with their townscape than right here.

Results 2023

Above average in ten out of twelve service sections

According to the results of the service survey, Hafnarfjörður is above average in comparison between the municipalities in ten sections out of twelve, and equal in two. The town scores higher when it comes to overall satisfaction (75%), sports facilities (79%), culture (76%), primary school services (66%), kindergarten services (64%), services for children (55%), services for the elderly (53%), waste collection (59%) and planning (52%). Satisfaction is measured on average in services for people with disabilities (40%) and in terms of quality of the nearby environment (74%). Opportunities for improvement lie in many places, especially in those service components that score the lowest each year within all municipalities. The most urgent are kindergartens, transportation and planning.

About the Gallup Service Survey

Gallup conducts an annual service survey of the twenty largest municipalities in the country, asking about their views on municipal services in various policy areas, both experiences and opinions. Data collection for 2023 took place from November 14, 2023 – January 11, 2024, and in Hafnarfjörður, 430 responded to the survey, a random gathering of 18+ year old´s from the Gallup Group. The results give an idea of residents’ satisfaction with certain service aspects regardless of whether the person uses the service or not. In parallel, there is information on service aspects that would be good to review closer. The results of the survey were released at the town council meeting yesterday morning.

City Council meeting February 21st, 2024

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