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Music opportunities for young people with diverse challenges


Last week, a collaboration agreement with Hljóma músíkmeðferð was renewed and signed at the elegant Hljóma campus on Austurgata 38. The formal collaboration between Hafnarfjarðarbær and Hljóma began as a pilot project a year ago, and the decision to continue for one more year has been made, in light of the program’s great success.

Continued collaboration in music therapy for children and young people

Last week, a collaboration agreement with Hljóma músíkmeðferð (music therapy) was renewed and signed at the elegant Hljóma campus on Austurgata 38. The formal collaboration between Hafnarfjarðarbær and Hljóma began as a pilot project a year ago, and the decision to continue for one more year has been made, in light of the program’s great success. Hljóma provides music therapy for children and young people who are facing diverse challenges and are given the opportunity to access and enjoy music on their own terms. The youngest student is two years old and the oldest one is 18.

Custom-made musical instruments tailored to the needs of different people

Hljóma, under the direction of Inga Björk Ingadóttir, provides music therapy for children and young people with various challenges, such as disability, mental and emotional problems, trauma and social difficulties. Hljóma is located in the heart of Hafnarfjörður and Inga Björk has set up the beautiful and creative facility for music therapy and music education. Over the years, Inga has accumulated a number of instruments, both traditional instruments as well as a diverse collection of custom-made instruments tailored to the needs of different people with different challenges.

Previous news article about the pilot project (Icelandic) – Músíkmeðferð fyrir börn og ungmenni | Hafnarfjörður (

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