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Preschoolers jump for joy with Sportacus


“Which one of you knows what health candy is?” Sportacus asked when he met the children at Vesturkot Kindergarten on Thursday morning, last week. “Apples, bananas, oranges,” he recounted. Sportacus from Lazy Town is promoting health in Hafnarfjörður.

Pure joy and energy at its peak with Sportacus!

“Which one of you knows what health candy is?” Sportacus asked when he met the children at Vesturkot Kindergarten on Thursday morning, last week. “Apples, bananas, oranges,” he recounted. The children jumped for joy as Sportacus from Lazy Town visited and shook up the normal school day.

These days Sportacus visits local kindergartens and brings each department a card that encourages physical activity — all to boost the spirit of the health town of Hafnarfjörður. One child after another pulled a card from Sportacus’s deck and then danced to the rhythm of the movement suggested by the card.

Hafnafjörður´s Preschools are now working towards becoming health promoters. The visit from Sportacus is under the banner of the Health Promoting Community, which is the public health approach of the Directorate of Health in Iceland.

The Health Promoting community is a holistic approach that the directorate works on in collaboration and consultation with municipalities, public institutions, NGOs and others.

The main goal of the Health Promoting community is to support communities in creating environments and conditions that contribute to healthy lifestyles and overall health and well-being for all residents.

You guys are great!

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