The preschool day


The kindergarten day´s new structure

The new organization for the kindergarten day in Hafnarfjörður will take effect from September 1, 2024. The activities within the kindergarten day will be divided into two parts: educational work and free time. Kindergarten fees will be reduced in line with shorter and flexible stay times. The kindergarten year will consist of 180 days, with additional days designated as special enrollment days.

Splitting up the kindergarten day – two-part activities within the day

Intentional educational work will take place from 9:00 to 15:00 on all active days. Free time and playtime will be available from 7:30 to 9:00 and after 15:00.

Kindergarten Calendar – Enrollment Days

Changes will be made to the kindergarten calendar. Kindergarten days will typically be 180 days a year. Other days will be known as enrollment days. On these days, children need to be registered specifically at the kindergarten; otherwise, they are considered on vacation. Registration will take place in Vala application on these special enrollment days and will be the responsibility of the parents. Kindergartens will inform about enrollment days in advance

Enrollment days are as follows:

  • Two days in October when there is winter break in Hafnarfjörður elementary schools
  • From December 21 to January 2
  • Two days in February when there is winter break in Hafnarfjörður elementary schools
  • Three days during the Easter break
  • From June 10 to August 10 Children will have four weeks of continuous holiday during the summer season.

Reduction in Kindergarten Fees

Kindergarten fees for a 30-hour stay per week will be significantly reduced, up to 30%. Fees for a 40-hour stay per week will remain unchanged. For example, from September 1, 2024, the monthly fees for 40 hours a week will still be 41,042 kr and for 30 hours a week to Kr. 19,962. The difference is Kr. 21,080 per month or Kr. 231,880 per year based on eleven months and one month in summer vacation.

Flexible Stay Time

Variable stay times provide families with the opportunity to tailor the kindergarten stay to the family’s needs. Families will only pay for the time used, offering the potential to lower kindergarten fees. The variable stay time between days is available to all kindergarten children, with a minimum stay of 20 hours a week where the minimum stay is 4 hours a day on all active weekdays.

An updated daycare fee calculator will be available starting August 1, 2024. The calculator can be used to see how daycare fees are calculated based on the child’s average daily attendance time. At the preschool it is possible to have different attendance times for different days, but the minimum attendance per day is four hours on all weekdays. Any reduction in attendance time will lead to a decrease in daycare fees. The calculator also allows for discounts to be applied as applicable.

Parents/guardians register requests for attendance time in Vala application. Attendance time can be registered in increments of 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Changes to the attendance time can be requested once per term. The deadline for registering changes for the autumn term is August 15, and for the spring term, it is December 15. The daycare director must approve each attendance time request.

Registration for registration dates closes on the 20th of the month prior. Thus, the fee for specific registration dates is billed for the month in which the registration dates fall. For example, registration for December dates closes on November 20. The fee for December registration dates will be billed with the December invoice. Daycare fees for each month are thus based on the number of registration dates for that time.

Yes, the registered attendance time cannot start later than 9 AM each day. The minimum attendance time is 4 hours per day, every weekday. Attendance time can be flexible above the minimum of 4 hours per day.

Yes, different attendance times can be set for different days, but the minimum attendance per day is 4 hours. Changes to attendance time can be made in Vala application a maximum of once per term.


Example 1: Children can be registered for 8 hours three days a week and 6 hours two days, totaling 36 hours per week, and daycare fees will be calculated accordingly.

Example 2: A child can be registered for 7.5 hours four days a week and 4 hours one day, totaling 34 hours per week, and daycare fees will be calculated accordingly.

Shortening a child’s attendance can have positive effects on the overall daycare operation. Fewer children in a space can reduce stress for children and the pressure created by larger groups, enhance opportunities for professional individualized work, and make staffing easier. Shorter attendance times should lead to positive effects both for the children themselves and for the daycare’s operations and organization of the daily schedule.