Primary schools
Children start primary school in the year they turn 6 years old. Primary school is compulsory for 10 years.
Starting primary school
Apply for schoolThe municipality’s primary schools are open to all children. Their operation and school calendar can be found on the schools’ websites.
When your child turns 6 years old, you will receive an email at the start of the year regarding the registration process. Registration starts at the beginning of the year and lasts until February 1st the same year school starts in the autumn. After February 1st, the selection of available schools decreases. You register your child electronically on My pages.
Hafnarfjörður is a single school district divided into school areas. The legal residence of the child determines which school provides a secure admission. You can also apply for schools in different districts.
As spring approaches, the school to which your child has been accepted will send you all the necessary information about school activities ahead, such as after-school programs, lunch subscriptions, and other necessary information.
What does your child need to bring to school?
Your child will need a school bag, snacks, and swimming gear as needed. Children go out on a break twice a day and need to be dressed appropriately, they may need to bring extra clothes. The school provides all textbooks, notebooks and stationery.
Parent’s role
You are responsible for your child’s education and should keep track of your child’s progress in collaboration with the child and their teachers.
If your child needs time off from school, you need to apply for that. If your child is sick, you need to notify the school. All disruptions in your child’s education because of absence are your responsibility and you will have to see to that the child catches up with the class.