Primary schools
Children start primary school in the year they turn 6 years old. Primary school is compulsory for 10 years.
Useful Information
Disruptions of school operations
The Capital District Fire and Rescue Service sends out notifications about weather as needed, in co-operation with the police and education authorities.
It is important that parents and guardians follow news of the weather, weather forecasts and other recommendations from authorities, which could affect school operations and respond in accordance with situations as they may arise.
School shuttle service
If your child is accepted into specialty school, special department outside of town or special department outside of the school district (further than 1.2 km from your home) they have a right to school shuttle services or bus fares paid by the municipality. Special rules apply to school shuttle services for children with disability.
Sibling discount of meal subscription
If you have two or more children in primary school, you will receive a 25% discount for the second child and 100% discount for the third. Siblings must have the same legal residency and family number in the National registry.
Tablets in schools
Students in grades 5–10 are granted a personal iPad for school use. The loan needs to be accepted by parents or guardians and is the student’s responsibility, even though all measures are taken to guarantee safety regarding the equipment. Each school has their own rules around usage, e.g. for when students are allowed to take the iPads home. All iPads that the students borrow should be returned during the summer.
Winter Holiday
Two days in October and two days in February are reserved for winter holidays in all primary schools in Hafnarfjörður. The after-school centres are closed during these days. More information about winter holiday dates is listed on school calendars found on the schools’ websites.
Computers and technology
- Responsibility of schools. The school emphasizes secure use of computers to ensure protection of personal data, information security and prevent unwanted access to students. The schools’ internet has a filter for violent and sexual content.
- Rules of computers and online communication. There are specific rules about how students can use computers and equipment in school. They are for students own protection, prevent security breeches and to teach best practices. The rules are accessible on each schools’ web page.
- Risk assessment. All apps used for teaching have to pass a risk assessment, specially those on the schools tablets.
- Security breach. If a security breech occurs, the school reacts and works on it in co-operation with the towns IT-department.
- Responsibility of parents. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children behaviour. In school, also those regarding computers and internet. It’s important that parents are good role models in these matters.
- Responsibility of students. Students are taught best practices in use of computers and the online world. Students still need to take responsibility of their personal computer usage, in co-operation with their parents.