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The 2024 “Motion for Life” has begun – let’s participate!


Motion for Life (Lífshlaupið) is a health and motivational project from the Icelandic Olympic and Sports Association that appeals to all ages. In the motion for life project, all Icelanders are encouraged to consider their daily physical activity and increase it as much as possible, i.e. during leisure time, work, school and when choosing a mode of transport. The Health Town of Hafnarfjörður encourages all interested parties to participate!

Motion of life is a health and motivational project from the Icelandic Olympic and Sports Association that appeals to all ages

In the Motion for life project, all Icelanders are encouraged to consider their daily physical activity and increase it as much as possible, i.e. during leisure time, work, school and when choosing a mode of transport. The Directorate of Health advises children and adolescents to exercise for at least 60 minutes per day and adults for at least 30 minutes per day. Further information on physical activity recommendations can be found on the Directorate of Health’s website. The Health Town of Hafnarfjörður encourages all interested parties to participate!

There are four different categories of the competition:

  • Primary school (grunnskóli) competition for 15 years and younger from February 7th – 20th
  • High school (framhaldsskóli) competition for 16 years and older from February 7th – 20th
  • Workplace competition from February 7th – 27th
  • Senior competition 67+ from February 7th – 27th

All physical activity may be recorded if it reaches at least 30 minutes in total per day for adults and at least 60 minutes in total per day for children and adolescents. Workplaces, schools and individuals are encouraged to participate and thus use the opportunity to strengthen the body and soul with daily motion.

On the Motion for life website you can find useful information. You can as well send an email to if you have any further questions or need any assistance!

Your Health – Your Fun

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