Valdimar Víðisson is Hafnarfjörður´s new mayor
At the end of the year, Valdimar Víðisson took over as mayor of Hafnarfjörður from Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, who has held the position since June 2018. The change of the mayor position is in accordance with the agreement between the Independence Party and the Progressive Party after the municipal elections in May 2022. That the leader of the Independence Party would remain in the mayor’s chair until January the 1st, 2025, when the leader of the Progressive Party would take over.
New mayor in Hafnarfjörður as of this year
At the end of the year, Valdimar Víðisson took over as mayor of Hafnarfjörður from Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, who has held the position since June 2018. The change of the mayor position is in accordance with the agreement between the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) and the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) after the municipal elections in May 2022. That the leader of the Independence Party would remain in the mayor’s chair until January the 1st, 2025, when the leader of the Progressive Party would take over. Valdimar has been chairman of the town council during his term of office and Rósa will now take over that chairmanship, in addition to which she was recently elected to Alþingi.
Valdimar says that he is very much looking forward to working with residents, the community and the town’s staff, in his role as mayor. “As chairman of the town council and town councillor, I am already well acquainted with the main issues that are at the top of the agenda in the municipality. However, there is a lot on the mayor’s table that I will need to familiarize myself with in more detail, as Hafnarfjörður is a large municipality that offers extensive and diverse services to residents and business in the community. My ambition is to continue on the path of development and progress that has been set in recent years.”
Well acquainted with town affairs in Hafnarfjörður
Valdimar is well acquainted with municipal affairs in Hafnarfjörður. He sat as a deputy town councillor for the Progressive Party in Hafnarfjörður from 2018 to 2022 and was chairman of the family council during that period. Valdimar was elected to the town council of Hafnarfjörður in the municipal elections on May 14th, 2022 and has since been the chairman of the town council. Valdimar has also been the principal of Öldutúnsskóli for sixteen years, or since 2008. Valdimar Víðisson was born on September 10th, 1978. He is married to Sigurborg Geirdal and has one son, two stepdaughters and two grandchildren.