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City Council grants – second allocation of 2024


The town council awards grants annually to associations, companies or individuals for activities and services that fit the municipality’s mission. The application deadline is the 10th of October 2024.

The application deadline the 10th of October 2024

The town council awards grants annually to associations, companies or individuals for activities and services that fit with the municipality’s mission or are otherwise considered in accordance with the policies and priorities of the municipality. The allocation of grants takes place twice a year, now it is time for the second allocations of the year.

A connection to Hafnarfjörður is a requirement

Applicants must be connected to Hafnarfjörður in some way. For example, the applicant is a resident of the town, the event or project supported takes place in Hafnarfjörður and/or involves the promotion of something concerning the municipality. Institutions, companies, organizations and individuals can only apply once a year, and events or projects are not supported afterwards.

Here you can find the rules on funding in Icelandic

Applications shall be submitted electronically through My Pages | Other applications | Application for grant to the City Council. In addition to general factors, the application shall include:

  • Purpose, description and motive of application
  • Grant amount
  • Time and project budget
  • Other financing
  • Cost budget

Assistance with registration can be obtained from Hafnarfjörðurs customer service centre 585-5500 or via the online chat on the town’s website – in the bottom right corner.

Suggestion portal