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Automatic translation by Google Translate. We cannot guarantee that it is accurate.
The staff at Hlíðarendi kindergarten in Setberg received a gold plaque for most days of movement in the Motion for Life campaign, and Engidalsskóli won best performance of all Hafnarfjörðurs elementary schools. A fantastic achievement, that was celebrated earlier this week.
It was a time for great celebration when it was announced that Engidalsskóli primary school won best performance in the Motion for Life campaign 2024. A total of 220 students in grades 1-7 participated. Remarkably, all cohorts of the school were active and the school reached 5th place nationally in the 90-299 student category.
Sportacus from LazyTown (Íþróttaálfurinn from Latibær) visited and encouraged the students. They jumped for joy with him in the sports hall on the occasion. But this is the first time the school participated in the program.
Teachers recorded each students motion over a two-week period. Margrét Halldórsdóttir, principal and teacher, received a bouquet of flowers from the mayor of Hafnarfjörður. The students got Sportacus himself. They stayed in motion for a total of 1,153 days or 123,095 minutes during this two-week period of the campaign.
An absolutely fantastic achievement. Congratulations everyone!
Bryndís Ævarsdóttir, Kveldúlfur Hasan, Sandra Anulyté, all from Hlíðarendir, and Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, mayor. The gold plaque was awarded to the staff for staying in motion for the highest number days of the campaign.
Indeed, this wasn’t the only success that stood out from the Motion of Life campaign this year. The staff at Hlíðarendi, a kindergarten in Setberg, were victorious nationwide among workplaces of their size. Employees received a gold plaque for staying in motion for the highest number days for a period of three weeks.
The mayor, Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir also brought them flowers. Excellent results led by the school’s physical education teacher, Sandra Anulyté. The ambition was high and every motion was recorded. Running, horseback riding, skiing and long walks generated the results. Great role models. Employees increased their physical activity during the period, they typically go three times a week, but for the Motion for Life campaign, they went every day. It was all about the good atmosphere, they said.
Hafnarfjörður´s staff participating in the 2024 Motion for Life campaign, moved a total of 227,805 minutes or for 2,633 days 💪. A total of 206 employees participated in the campaign in 17 teams.
Motion for Life is a health and motivational campaign from the Icelandic Olympic and Sports Association that appeals to all ages. In Motion for Life, everyone in Iceland is encouraged to consider their daily physical activity and increase it as much as possible.
Let’s hear it for the kids! Also to all those who kept track of the record. Let’s especially applaud the excellent performance of the staff at Hlíðarendi. That’s very well done!
The 2024 Motion for Life campaign was launched for the seventeenth time on February the 7th and lasted two weeks in the school competition, and three weeks in other categories.
Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic achievement!
Workplaces with 70-149 employees:
Workplaces with 30-69 employees:
Workplaces with 10-29 employees:
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