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Neatest gardens 2024 – Rosa Moeller receives the honorary award


Austurgata 12, Venusarhús, is the recipient of the neatest garden award of 2024. Rosa K. Moeller was also awarded an honorary award for her beneficial contribution to the community of Hafnarfjörður. Ten residential buildings received recognition this year, two companies and an entire street.

Rosa awarded the honorary award

Earlier this week, Rosa K. Moeller was awarded an honorary award for her beneficial contribution to the community of Hafnarfjörður, at a beautiful ceremony in Hellisgerði. Rosa regularly walks around the harbor area and the surrounding streets, cleaning both trash and weeds in her spare time.

Austurgata 12, Venusarhús, is the recipient of the neatest garden award of 2024. “Both the property and the plot are noticeably neat and there has been great ambition to maintain the appearance of this beautiful old house,” the reasoning states. On Tuesday, September the 24th, over a dozen received the award from the town of Hafnarfjörður. That is, 10 homeowners and residential properties, two businesses and residents of the street Heiðvangur (street of the year). “In recent years, this crowded street has been noticeably well-groomed and residents clearly agree on keeping their surroundings tidy,” the reasoning states.

The neatest companies of the year are located at Hringhella 12. Ísrör ehf and Málmar ehf. received a recognition and the reasoning states that the access to the plot is remarkably neat despite the operation in question. “It’s noticeable how much effort is put into keeping the environment tidy.”

The gardens in Hafnarfjörður that received an award this year are:

  • Fagraberg 32. “A well-groomed large plot in a green neighborhood. It is clear that the residents take pride in keeping this large plot beautiful.” Owners: Guðrún Harðardóttir and Pétur Einarsson.
  • Fagraberg 10. “A beautiful well-groomed plot that is well noticed when driving along Hamraberg.” Owners: Kristbjörg Helgadóttir and Már Gunnþórsson.
  • Ljósaberg 44. “A beautiful well-maintained plot and property that stands out when driving along Hamraberg.” Owners: Auður Traustadóttir and Guðmundur Ástvaldur Tryggvason.
  • Fléttuvellir 6. “A well-organized and tidy plot in a new neighborhood, but the lot is a corner lot and prominent when you drive into Fléttuvellir.” Owners: Arndís Edda Jónsdóttir and Bergþór N. Bergþórsson.
  • Glitvangur 13. “A well renovated plot in a green neighborhood where residents have made good use of every square meter, but the plot is quite small and shows how well the designed area can be used for outdoor activities.” Owners: Garðar Vilhjálmsson and Gestrún Hilmarsdóttir.
  • Hrauntunga 28. “A beautiful green garden with a very diverse plant selection. A garden that is taken care of so well that it is well noticed.” Owners: Anna Guðný Eiríksdóttir and Egill Jónsson.
  • Ölduslóð 12. “A duplex that has been built in a fun way with everything needed to use the garden as an extension to the house.” Owners: Eyrún Ósk Friðjónsdóttir, Rós Sveinbjörnsdóttir and Kjartan Jónmundsson.
  • Strandgata 79. “An apartment building in a green neighborhood where the garden has been well maintained and developed so that residents can enjoy the garden during the summer for outdoor activities. A variety of plant choices that give it a fun look.” Owners: Fjóla Vatnsdal Reynisdóttir, Kristín Björk Hermannsdóttir and Sigrún Oddsdóttir.
  • Hádegisskarð 20. Drangskarð 11. “Plot neatly finished in a new neighborhood with grass and vegetation. The properties received environmental certification in the summer of 2024. Owners: Rentur ehf.
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