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New approach to sex education in Hafnarfjörður


As of fall 2023, Hafnarfjarðarbær will promote sex education and gender studies in Hafnarfjörður elementary schools. Comprehensive sex education and gender studies will be implemented in all grades 8 – 10, as well as the creation of a curriculum that includes qualification criteria for grades 1 – 10, in sex education and gender studies.

Emphasis on aspects such as sexual health, respect, boundaries, communication and consent

As of fall 2023, Hafnarfjarðarbær will promote sex education and gender studies in all elementary schools. The project, led by Kristín Blöndal Ragnarsdóttir, gender expert and teacher, is partly the result of a challenge by Hafnarfjörður’s Youth Council, the Parents’ Council, the Icelandic Teachers’ Union and extensive discussion on the importance of increased sex education and equality education for children and young people, as well as the initiative’s goals of mandatory prevention-teams in schools. Comprehensive sex education and gender studies teaching will be implemented in grades 8-10 in all Hafnarfjörður’s elementary schools, as well as the creation of a curriculum that includes qualification criteria for grades 1 – 10, in sex education and gender studies.

Promotes a positive attitude towards sexual health and equality in its broadest form

The purpose and aim of the new approach, and increased teaching, is to improve young people’s knowledge and skills on sexual health, respect, boundaries, communication, consent and other aspects. It is important that young people know for themselves their rights and the importance of respecting the rights and boundaries of others, as well as recognizing the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Mental and physical abuse among young people seems to be on the rise, and it is important to respond to and approach children and young people as soon as possible through constructive education and dialogue.

Equality and diversity from all perspectives in the school of diversity

At the school assembly at the end of 2022, the Icelandic Teachers’ Union passed a resolution calling on administrators on all levels of education and educational authorities to ensure comprehensive sex education for students at all levels of education. All schools in Hafnarfjörður participate in the implementation and allow for the education in the students’ timetables. This active participation of all schools, is a prerequisite for a successful implementation and gaining a foothold in the school community. Gender studies and sex education are not compulsory subjects in undergraduate teacher training, but a part of Hafnarfjarðarbær’s implementation project involves education and preparation for teachers in all elementary schools.

Count me in! Talk about sexual health and gender equality

Heilsubær Hafnarfjarðar (Health committee) held an educational evening for all interested in sexual health and equality in March 2023. The evening was managed by Kristín Blöndal, as a part of the presentation of the project and the implementation that was ahead for the coming autumn.

An informed and open community promotes Hafnarfjarðarbær’s goal of being a town of multiculturalism and diversity where everyone feels safe, welcome and has the opportunity to flourish.

Details of the March 2023 event (Icelandic): Reiknaðu með mér! Rabb um kynheilbrigði og jafnrétti | Hafnarfjörður (

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