Recreational Centres

The Recreational centres offer leisure time activities for children and teenagers aged 10 – 16.

General information

The Recreational Centres operate on school premises. Children and teenagers have these venues for leisure and spending time with their peers in a safe environment Their operation has preventative, developmental and educational value and considers the age and abilities of children and youths. The work is carried out in clubs, councils, specialised group work, free time, and special projects.

The focus is reaching the children and young people who need social support and to provide a diverse range of activities.

Opening hours

The opening hours of the Recreational Centres are twofold.

  • The administrators are present during school hours for children and teenagers. They are open during breaks between classes and during lunch hour when possible. In addition, the children and teens can pop in and talk to staff about anything they wish to.
  • General opening hours or evening openings.

The Recreational Centres operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 17 to 22.

  • 5th–7th grades have two to three times a month from 17 to 19 (the days of the week may differ from centre to centre).
  • For grades 8, 9 and 10, the centres are open three evenings a week, from 19.30 to 22:00.
  • Group work is once or twice a week from 17 to 19 (the days of the week may differ from centre to centre).

After-school shuttle services

All children in the 1st to 4th grade are offered after-school shuttle services to sport and leisure practices starting at 15 and 16. You can read further about the services here.