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Street closure – New main culvert for sewage pipes in Hlíðarberg


A new main culvert for the town’s sewage system will be laid from a well in Klettahlíð, parallel to Hlíðarberg, into a well near Stekkjartorg. Because of this, Hlíðarberg at Stekkjartorg will be partially closed from July 30th to October 15th 2024.

A new main culvert for the town’s sewage system will be laid from a well in Klettahlíð, parallel to Hlíðarberg, into a well near Stekkjartorg. Because of this, Hlíðarberg at Stekkjartorg will be partially closed from July 30th to October 15th 2024. A traffic detour will be prepared at the construction site, but all street closures will be announced in advance. Phase 1 has now begun and residents of Mosahlíð will receive a letter with more detailed information about the construction.


The work will be carried out in three stages from Stekkjartorg to Kletthlíð and completion is scheduled for October 15th, 2024.

Main work components

  • On site digging
  • Loosening of rock formations (blasting)
  • Trench Excavation
  • Preparation of pipeline work
  • Laying of sewage pipes
  • Sanding and filling over sewage pipes
  • Finishing touches on the surface

To further reduce disturbance, the aim is to loosen rock in the ditch with explosions (see description from Borgarvirki), but Borgarvirki will take care of the blasting for the main contractor of the project, Stjörnugarðar ehf. Activity areas will be fenced off at each location, and traffic will be directed past the main activity area with fences and signs. Considerable traffic of trucks transporting rocks and minerals to and from the site can be expected.

Phase 1, 2 and 3

Suggestions and/or comments from residents

During the construction, it is clear that inhabitants can be disturbed, due to heavy transport trucks, changes in driving routes, noise, explosions and possible dust pollution. The municipality of Hafnarfjörður places great demands on contractors to carry out the work professionally and apologize in advance to residents for any inconvenience they may be exposed to during the construction. If residents have suggestions or comments regarding the project, they are advised to contact the contractor, but it is always requested that copies of communications be sent to the undersigned as supervisory bodies on behalf of Hafnarfjörður municipality.

The following parties are involved in the project

  • The contractor is Stjörnugarðar jarðverktakar ehf. The conductor of the project is Ingólfur Freyr Elmers Subcontractor in the explosions of Borgarvirki ehf, see letter from Borgarvirki.
  • Supervision on behalf of the municipality of Hafnarfjörður: Strendingur ehf, engineering services, and

Thank you in advance for your understanding!

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