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Thank you for a great Icelandic National Day!


The festive atmosphere on Iceland’s National Day was at its greatest in Hafnarfjörður this year. Joy reigned and inhabitants and guests of Hafnarfjörður enjoyed the day.

The town flourished on the 80th Icelandic National Day!

The festive atmosphere on Iceland’s National Day was at its greatest in Hafnarfjörður this year. Joy reigned and inhabitants and guests of Hafnarfjörður enjoyed the day.

“Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Republic of Iceland and remember those who laid the foundation for the independence of the Icelandic nation and freedom, something that is by no means a given,” said the mayor, Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, on the occasion at Thorsplan.

“We thank the pioneers’ for their struggle and for the quality of life and prosperity that their decisions have had for us Icelanders. It took perseverance and a lot of fighting spirit to achieve this goal and it was a real stroke of luck for us.”

A packed and festive program

The program was packed with a national twist. A parade from Flensborg School, cupcakes on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Republic of Iceland, a national costume photo shoot at Hafnarborg, and the Viking Festival at Víðistaðatún gave the day a festive atmosphere. Then Fjallkonan was dressed in the traditional Icelandic costume in the library, where the audience was taught about the Icelandic costume.

The children were as usual at the center of the festivities. They got their faces painted, went around town and bounced in bouncy castles, as celebrations were held all over the town; for example at Thorsplan, Hellisgerði, Sólvangur and Hörðuvellir.

Pure joy in Hafnarfjörður

“Hafnarfjörður is flourishing today in the truest sense of the word,” said the mayor and thanked the staff who worked hard to make the town shine on this national day. “Happy Icelandic National Day dear residents of Hafnarfjörður and guests, congratulations on the day and welcome to Thorsplan in the heart of Hafnarfjörður.”

Indeed, all of this is even better in pictures, which can be accessed on Hafnarfjörður’s social media. Let’s enjoy together.

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