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Two new bouncy pads in Hafnarfjörður this year


It has been decided to set up two new colorful bouncy pads in Hafnarfjörður this year, in selected open areas intended for general outdoor activities. The project is the answer to the call from inhabitants for more bouncy pads in other parts of the town and within as many neighborhoods as possible.

Together there is fun

It has been decided to set up two new colorful bouncy pads in Hafnarfjörður this year, in selected open areas intended for general outdoor activities. The project is the answer to the call from inhabitants for more bouncy pads in other parts of the town and within as many neighborhoods as possible.

Jumping at Hörðuvellir and Holtið

At a meeting of the Environment and Public Works Council of Hafnarfjörður on October the 30th, it was agreed to respond to the residents’ call and increase the number of bouncy pads in town. The plan is to set up a bouncy pad in an open area bounded by Háholt, Hvaleyrarbraut and Álfholt, and the other in an open area at Hörðuvellir. The areas are intended for general outdoor recreation and therefore do not require any changes to the general layout. There are currently five bouncy pads in Hafnarfjörður, so there will be a total of seven bouncy pads when these two are up and running. They are open from kl. 9 am -10 pm every day of the week during the summer and is very popular among children and young people. It will be possible to jump all around Hafnarfjörður this year.

See the location of all bouncy pads in Iceland here.


Jumping at Hörðuvellir – location of the new bouncy pad to be added this year

Jumping at Holtið – location of the new bouncy pad to be added this year

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