A week’s delay in waste collection – A race to be on schedule
There have been some delays in waste collection this new years. It is clear that the bins will be emptied a week behind schedule. Work will be carried out according to schedule after the bins have been emptied, according to the service provider. We thank residents for their understanding of the situation.
Waste collection in Hafnarfjörður
Residents have not been spared from the disruption and delay in waste collection in recent days. Expect a week’s delay in waste collection here in Hafnarfjörður during these first days of the new year. According to information from the service provider, every effort will be made to make up for the delay and achieve the previous schedule. It can therefore be expected that the correct schedule will be maintained after the bins have been emptied.
Waste collection calendar on the town’s website
The garbage waste collection calendar on the town’s website is widely used. As it stands today, residents need to add 7 days to the date that appears on the site.
Enter your street address here to see when they empty your household waste bins.
Thank you for your understanding!