
The goal is that seniors in Hafnarfjörður can live independently for as long as possible. Social activities, exercise and various support is available.

Support at home

Apply for support

It is important that seniors maintain their independence and can live at home for as long as possible.

Home support services

The home support service provides help with housekeeping and personal hygiene which seniors or other adults in the household are unable to do. The service is available during day time, evenings, and weekends.

The service include:

You need to apply for home support on My Pages. A certificate from a professional, needs to be included in the application.

Other services that support seniors living on their own are driving services and day programs.

Direct payments

If you require more flexible service, you can hire employees on contract depending on what you need and receive direct payments from Hafnarfjörður. Service hours depend on your needs, up to 60 hours per month.

To apply for direct payments, you start by booking an appointment with a counsellor by calling phone number 585 5500.

Discounts on property tax

Seniors and people with disability that own a home receive a discount on property tax.

To be entitled to a discount you need to:

  • own an apartment in Hafnarfjörður.
  • be 67 and older or have at least 75% disability.
  • not receive rental income for the house in question.
  • not have a full-time worker other than a spouse living in your home.

Rental social assistance housing

Seniors with low income can also apply for rental social assistance housing with the municipality to be able to live on their own.

Support services Price per hour
Income under 382.239 kr. á mánuði Single bus fee
Total income higher than 382.239 kr per month. Double bus fare
Couple with a monthly income that is lower then 621.141 kr. Single bus fee
Couple with higher income per month than 621.141 kr. Double bus fare
Home services Rate per hour
Seniors and disabled people 636 kr.
People that fall under other categories 1.283 kr.